Divorce Attorney Fort Lauderdale

Contact attorney Scott J. Brook if you need an experienced divorce attorney in Fort Lauderdale. Divorce can be one of the most difficult times in an adult's life, and it is important to make sure that you have legal representation during this period of turmoil. Don't make the mistake of thinking that you don't need a lawyer in your divorce. In the end, you'll be glad you had a lawyer!

Hiring an experienced divorce attorney in Fort Lauderdale is a practical thing to do. We could enumerate dozens of reasons why hiring a divorce lawyer is wise and prudent! The bottom line is that divorcees who hire an attorney make out better than divorcees who represent themselves. Make no mistake; having an experienced divorce lawyer on your side is the best choice! Plus, Scott J. Brook, P.A., offers free consultations for individuals who are interested in securing our legal services. Call today to schedule your free consultation:

  • (954) 757-5551

5 Reasons Why You Need an Experienced Divorce Attorney in Fort Lauderdale

Rather than give you dozens of reasons why hiring an attorney is wise and practical, consider the top five reasons why you need a divorce lawyer:

1. Protect Your Relationship with Your Children

Reason #1 applies to individuals with children. If you are going through a divorce with children, you don't want to leave your visitation and or custody in the hands of fate. Get a lawyer on your side who will protect your rights to your children. This is the simplest step you can take to provide the stability children need.

2. Gain Greater Confidence

Likely, you are unfamiliar with matrimonial law and family court. Having a knowledgeable and experienced divorce attorney in your corner will give you the tools to navigate your dificult situation with confidence. Confidence that you are not making any small mistakes in this important window of time, that can cost you in the long run. All of your paperwork will be filed properly and timely, and there is a lot of paperwork in a divorce!

3. Receive Favorable Results

Statistics show that people who represent themselves during divorces, end up receiving far less favorable rulings and settlements on average. With an experienced divorce attorney on your side like Scott J. Brook, P.A., you'll lock in better results and have a settlement or a ruling on terms that are favorable for you.

4. Explore Mediation

An experienced Fort Lauderdale attorney isn't just an offensive tool. We can help you to reach a mutual agreement with your former partner. Settling is almost always going to be better than going to trial, when settling is possible. Even if there is some massive seamingly unreconcilable turmoil or friction between yourself and your spouse, you might be surprised by just how much a divorce lawyer can help the parties settle mutually. We'll help you get down to brass tacks where the emotional element can be set aside in the short term and the bigger picture can come into focus for both sides.

5. Receive Valuable Coaching

A divorce lawyer often serves as a coach. We can help you see the options and the paths to get to those goals. We'll suggest options that you might not even know exist. We can help you to say and do the right things at the right time to protect your case. Further, an experienced divorce lawyer can help you by providing objective advice during this emotional time.

Divorce Attorney Fort Lauderdale
Scott J. Brook, P.A.
Divorce Attorney Fort Lauderdale
2856 N. University Drive
Coral Springs FL 33065 US

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Divorce Attorney Fort Lauderdale